Thursday, December 13, 2007

Back to the Fleet

Well, my tour on the old Death Star is done. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but, well the last time I really had a chance to write anything... I don't have any good excuse.

Now on to the good stuff.

I'm in the middle of my transfer leave and loving it!! No more of Darth NR walking around peering over my shoulder EVERY FREAKIN' DAY!!!! Nope, now I'm free!!! I'll be cruisin' around the western side of the galaxy on a good old LA class Star Destroyer. Doing the good old electrical stuff again.

No more students!!


Friday, May 18, 2007

Fission-Buddies 4 Life

So there we were, EM-4389 and myself, finishing a conversation as we left the locker room. He was describing this vision he had had a day or two ago about something I had done. Apparently it had kinda come true so I had remarked that we were vision buddies now. ET-4277 only caught the tail end of my sentence and was like "Fission buddies? Is that like shipmate for nukes? What kind of diggit are you?"

"V - VISION buddies is what I said. But I like Fission buddy, it's going to be my new thing from now on."

"And I don't want to jump on MM-2767's parade... He's bringing shipmate back."

Fission buddies 4 life, man. That's what we all are, until some rebel scum blows up our death star.

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Rebellion Sucks!

Hi, for those of you who don't know me, I'm EM-718. Or that's my designation. I work in the Electrical Division of the Engineering Department of the Reactor Controls Squadron of the Death Star Mk II. I've been working here for a while, trying to keep my division running strong and out of Darth Vader and the Emporer's sight. And it hasn't been easy, let me tell you.

First of all, there's that damn rebellion to deal with. I work on the freakin Death Star Mk II!! Just because some Sith-spawn hot shot pilots made a lucky shot and vaped the first Death Star is not a good reason to increase security on the second Death Star that no one outside of the Empire knows exists!! This Death Star is going to be twice as powerful and nowhere near as vulnerable as the first one. I hate having to show my ID constantly to guards and computers. I'm already here, I've shown you my ID at least three times today already, you don't need to see it again, you stupid nerfherder! I am not a Rebel spy! If I was, I wouldn't be teaching cadets how to operate the reactor, I'd be stealing the access codes for all the shuttles that transit to and from the forest moon Bendor or whatever it's called.

Second, enough with all the inspections and operational safegaurd exams! If we can pass one major inspection per year, we don't need to get inspected again for another year. Not a month later!! It's bad for morale! Granted this Death Star isn't nearly as old as the first one was, but it's clean! Take my word for it. AND STOP PAINTING EVERYTHING!